Civil Litigation Entertainment Litigation Entertainment Litigation Akanshakhullarlegal, LLP has an experienced and fierce team of Los Angeles Entertainment Litigation Attorneys that are poised and ready to handle any entertainment related legalities you may be encountering. Expert Entertainment Litigation in Los Angeles involves a variety of different disciplines, including labor and employment law, intellectual property and contracts, copyright infringement law, music publishing and the list goes on. Real Estate Litigation Real Estate Litigation It often happens parties fail to fully perform their contractual obligations in sale of real estate. Often, the most immediate consequence of such contractual breach is the nature and amount of damages, if any, PLUS other conceivable remedies available at law and in equity. Let us explore, to some extent, some detail of such damages. Business Litigation Business Litigation One of the most common ways people seek the professional services of a Los Angeles Business Litigation Lawyer is by talking within their communities to others who have faced similar issues. Similarly for legal issues, people are willing to provide feedback about the business litigation lawyer they used. But don’t make your decision about a lawyer solely on the basis of another person’s recommendation because different people react differently to a lawyers’ style and personality.